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Società Agricola

Società Agricola



Our company is located on the slopes of the Pratomagno massif, in the Chianti Aretino area, a few steps from the characteristic medieval village of Loro Ciuffenna and the Romanesque church of Gropina.


Our story begins in the 1950s as a winemaking reality, until 1979 when we were the first in our area to decide to face the challenge of bottling and distribution.

Hard work and above all a lot of passion have allowed us to have today about 18 hectares of land distributed in vineyards, olive groves and arable land.


Our family has been running the company for three generations now, maintaining a completely artisanal method of agriculture and winemaking.

We have been certifying organic farming for many years.

The grapes come exclusively from our vineyards where Sangiovese, Canaiolo Nero and Malvasia Nera are mainly grown, which give rise to one of the best Italian wines: Chianti.

The continuous renewal of our vineyards has allowed us to experiment with the cultivation of other grape varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet and Sirah which give rise to selected wines of great quality which, depending on the characteristics of each vintage, can be refined in barriques or barrels.



Impossible not to mention the absolute protagonist of our cuisine: the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The culture of olive trees and oil is well rooted in our family and has been handed down for generations.

We cultivate the Frantoio, Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino varieties from which we produce EVO oil obtained by cold pressing, from BIO olives coming exclusively from our olive groves.


For years now we have also been cultivating some legumes.

The pink chickpea from Valdarno and the Zolfino bean.

Our company is located in the area dedicated to the production of this extraordinary legume which has always been grown between the Arno and the Pratomagno.

Also called bean of the hundred (because it is sown on the hundredth day of the year) or burrino bean, the zolfino is small, globular, of a yellow that recalls the color of sulfur, characterized by an incredible taste and a thin skin that makes it particularly digestible.


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